2012年6月26日 星期二


Try to justify things from another angles
You will find that you are able to rejoice over trial matters.
Let it go.

2012年6月9日 星期六

Term break

What is the point by giving term break?
The answer is to have more time to do assignment instead of taking rest!!
Frustrating... How can they treat us like that...
We are human being too...
However, I cannot change anything by saying all this.. It is to grumble only  =D

During exam week, I realise that I enjoy watching TV ...HAHA

Let's enjoy my "holiday"!

2012年6月1日 星期五

Exam week

I am quite worried now but nothing can be controlled...
I feel so relaxed even though the exam is on next week.. How come?
However, there is conflict between worried and relaxed bah...HAHA
This is human life full of conflict... Where is my spirit for studying? Where is it!!??
Actually, all these is caused by quiz and reports to be submitted last few weeks...
Since there is nothing to submit or do in this week, this is rare chance to relieve stress and enjoy myself...
Is this a BAD reason to be lazy? 
My second year of study is full of challenging and self-study..
I need to be self-disciplined in order to achieve good grade in exam
There is no more lecturers will take extra care of us because we are in second year instead of first year
Time flies like lighting .. Last year, I was a freshmen but I am a junior now.. 
Consecutively, I will be senior in last year of poly life and go out to work for my Major Project...
Actually, I look forward for the SIP programme.. There will be a real world for us
No more PROTECTION.. I shall be able to handle everything in my care
No more just deduct mark only by making mistakes..
It will be serious consequences such as prison, sue, suspension of license and others..
Everything should be bear in mind...
I should take my road carefully... 

BUT for now, I should choose a pathway to go 
It is either less travelled or follow others' pathway..
However, it is time to go to sleep!

Goodnight, everyone!! =)