2012年8月25日 星期六


There are 4 exam papers for this semester.
However, it was said that there is NO exam paper but there is Term Test 2 Paper.
This joke is quite cool , right?

I struggle so much in this semester.
Is it due to increased workload of assignment and project?

I wonder whether I can either survive in next semester or next year.
It becomes harder to get GPA of 3.9++  which is my aim NOW.

However, I still left one more paper for now... It is BMIC paper.
After FPATH exam, I feel relaxed a bit... That is most difficult paper!!!
Luckily, I went through it regardless of the result.

The problem coming is I do not have mood to study BMIC ....
IT CANNOT BE!!! This is exam!!

Never mind. Just let me to relax for tonight!! I promise that it lasts for tonight only!
I mean it!


