2011年8月8日 星期一

Be honest =)

I go to Temasek Polytechnic for 4 months already...
Time passes very fast without notice..
I also became 18 years old ... Become old le T.T
I have been used to the life now...

Everyday, I wake up early to prepare for going to school...
After that, I just eat or sleep in the car...
After reaching school, I wake up and walk into the school under dazing condition...
At 9 am, attend the tutorial or lecture...
During recess time, eat and maybe sleep a while... =p
Go to lectures, tutorial or lab .... go back home...
This is my school life...

Although it is tired, it is worth for future...
I should endure just for future...
I can do it!! Mei chi!

My Malaysia friend ... I miss u...
All of you are more understand me than others...
I am not a quiet person...
But at there, in sake of not to offend anyone, I just keep quiet...
Include my opinion towards something...
This is my protective layer...

Of course...in Malaysia...There are someone who are waiting for me...
"You" rest assured... I will come to your side one day...
Be patient and wait for me...
Just because I am deserved to let you to wait...
I know that I am too confident to myself le =p
Actually, I am confident to "you"...
Do you know??

